RIK (Receive In Kawasaki) 2024 - Free Shipping & Special Discount (Receipt from July 22 to 29)
This is the explanation page of "RIK (Receive in Kawasaki) by OK ROPE" - Free Shipping Offer
Available Languages: English, Japanese
Note: OK ROPE will not have a Live Store at any international championships in summer 2024.
Request Form:
Request Form (not available after August 2024)
- Those who are in Kawasaki area and can have time to receive goods between July 22 to 29 primarily in the evening (exact receipt times to be communicated later)
- Those who can communicate in English or Japanese via LINE, WhatsApp, or Email.
* Japan residents may apply but may be asked to receive goods after August if there are too many orders
* We recommend that clubs/teams/organizations place group orders to get maximum discount and efficiency
Special Discount Guidelines:
(Payment must be completed by July 21 (Sunday) end of day)
- Orders over 50,000yen (Catalogue Price): 5% discount
- Orders over 100,000yen (Catalogue Price): 10% discount
- Orders over 200,000yen (Catalogue Price): 20% discount
* Some products may be excluded from these discounts (e.g., pre-discounted items like 10pcs sets)
General Procedure:
- Submit your request through this Google Form by July 19 (Friday) end of day
- Communicate with OK ROPE representative to arrange a) receipt time b) Products to purchase
- Receive drafted order by OK ROPE
- Complete payment through the OK ROPE website by July 21 (Sunday) end of day
- Receive goods in Kawasaki
* If you complete a purchase but cannot receive goods, you may pay for shipping to your country.
* If you don't receive a reply after submitting this form, please contact us through OK ROPE contact form.
- Submission of this form: July 19 (Friday)
- Payment: July 21 (Sunday)
For any questions about this program or assistance with filling out the form, please feel free to contact us through OK ROPE contact form.